Sunday, December 13, 2009

Up till the crack of dawn, or almost at least.

So I should probably..maybe..DEFINITELY be sleeping, but thing is..I went to bed at 7pm, because I didn't feel good, and now am wide awake, still not feeling that great but have to get up at 8am for work. 8am is not that early to most people but I am not a morning person.
I'm in a good mood though, I am not close to that many of the people I work with, we're very different from each. We carry friendly conversations and all, but I haven't found anybody at work that is kind of like me you know? Well, until tonight that is. I had a long IM with a girl I work with and we're pretty similar. Don't get me wrong, someone does not have to be like me for me to get a long with, just some people are so different from me it's hard to get close to them when you share different aspects on everything. I'm not big on religion, and there are two very religious people I work with, they talk about it a lot, so cross them out. I'm not immature, and there are four very immature people I work with, so cross them out. I don't speak spanish fluently, so cross out most of the morning people I work with. That does not leave many people to choose from. (I just heard a cry from Jaden in his sleep, very weird). I think my favorite part about this blog thing so far is that I can express myself without feeling as if I'm going to offend someone or hurt their feelings. Back to story, I was glad I found someone that I get along with so easily. She's a sweet girl.

Finals are coming up, and thanks to my lack of studying throughout the year, I am officially screwed. I have to get 100% on my biology final to get a C in the class. Science is by far my worst subject, but it is nobody's fault except for my own for not doing better this semester. Jasmine is sleeping with me tonight, which should make me sleep better. I hate sleeping alone, even if a dog is the only company I have.

Well, cramps are kicking in so I guess I'm going to attempt to sleep.
Goodnight bloggers.

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