Friday, December 11, 2009

1st blog

I started this blog because of pure want. I don't feel like I have any insight to share, or that my ideas are better than anybody else's ideas or even that I have any ideas. I was simply selfish and wanted to start a blog. Although keeping up with this blog may not be the easiest thing for me to do with my hectic schedule, I plan on trying my best. I'm hoping I get something out of blogging for myself, and that I can conclude something from it. I do sound selfish but who isn't selfish every once in a while? I'm very skeptical of myself so as I write this blog I critique almost every word that goes on the computer screen. Maybe one reason I decided to start this blog was because I needed to do something purely for myself. Something nobody else was involved in, and something that I can just do alone. My days consist of constantly doing what somebody else wants me to do, and eventually I get a break in which I do all the things I didn't have time to get done that are still not what I want to do. Well, I don't want to get into too much emotional stuff on my first blog so I think I'll let this one end here.
Farwell fellow bloggers.

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