Monday, December 14, 2009

Come to the conclusion of confussion

I think I may have come to a conclusion, although it's not one I was looking for, It's a conclusion of confusion. I had previously thought that I was not sure what I wanted to do with my life because of lack of choices. Unfortunately, I think the problems is an abundance of options. I know I'm not going to stay at this college forever, in fact next year will be my last year here, but after that....?

I don't like how everything says "it'll come to you.." or "you'll make the right choice". There isn't a right choice to make in decisions like these, there is just one choice: The choice you make. There is no telling if it's the right one or not because it's already made and you cannot go back and see what would have happened if you would have went the other way. Unfortunately for me, my two three options are all more than 1,000 miles apart from each other, so the decision is crucial and final.

For the past four years I've just gone with the flow, I've just gone with whatever happened and took one day at a time. I am now seeing that I have to start planning out my future or else it will just happen like the rest of my life did.

My worst fear: being like my family and not accomplishing anything in their life.
My greatest fear: having them know I did not accomplish anything in my life when everybody is counting on me to.

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