Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Day

Thanksgiving came fast, Christmas came even faster! Christmas is my favorite holiday. I love giving, I love seeing people, I love all the food, and baking Christmas cookies, and I love getting gifts :) . I had been planning for Christmas since October, and am kind of relieved that it is over and done with. The boys loved everything, me and my sister were up until two straightening things out. Playing santa was fun, but afterwards we were just not tired enough to go to sleep. I exchanged presents with Brian on Christmas eve, he made me dinner also. He got me a camera greater than I would have bought myself, I absolutely love it. I should probably be getting dressed right now, but I'm sulking in this great moment. My favorite part of Christmas is the very morning of it, when the kids first wake up, and they run downstairs, I love them having so much to look at that they just don't know where to start. Of course, it's kind of a tradition in my family to start with the stocking, because thats the only thing we were allowed to open before our parents got out of bed. All the stressfullness and chaios and everything that the holiday seasons causes, well, all that is made up for when they wake up and come down stairs and see that "santa" has came. My sister was very stressed out this year also, surprizingly it wasn't over the kids but myself. She thought she was planning ahead and had everything figured out but all the gifts she had tried to get me kept having problems (out of stock, the web site wasn't working, etc.). Although, even with all of her bad luck, she did amazing. I loved my gifts and am glad she bad luck because if not, I wouldn't have gotten what she did get me, which was by fast, better than other previous christmass'. Well, off to celebrate this glorious day with the people I am so very close to. I wish you, and your best, the most amazing Christmas you've ever had in your life. Keep it close to you, hold it to your heart, cheerish it, and your loved ones, because you never know how long these precious moments will stay precious. So make them last forever.

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